Teacher Use of Diagnostic Score Reports for Instructional Decision-Making in the Subsequent Academic Year

Large-scale summative assessment results are typically delivered after students complete their academic term, so their use is often limited to accountability reporting, program evaluation and resource allocation. Members of the educational measurement field are discussing ways large-scale assessment results can inform instruction, including in the following school year. 

ATLAS researchers interviewed 17 teachers in three states and asked them to describe how they used summative results from the previous administration of a large-scale alternate assessment system in the subsequent academic year. The results include fine-grained mastery information along with overall results for the subject. Teachers described using the results for instructional planning, student groupings and to inform IEP development and monitoring. 

Read the full article: 

Clark, Amy; Kobrin, Jennifer L.; Karvonen, Meagan; and Hirt, Ashley (2023) "Teacher Use of Diagnostic Score Reports for Instructional Decision-Making in the Subsequent Academic Year," Practical Assessment, Research, and Evaluation: Vol. 28