Brooke Nash

- Associate Director of Psychometrics
Contact Info
Biography —
Brooke Nash, PhD, brings more than 10 years of experience in the assessment industry, both operationally and in conducting research to help inform operational assessment programs. Her research interests include formative assessment, scoring models for technology-enabled assessments, implementation of diagnostic assessment platforms, and assessment of the Next Generation Science Standards.
Nash is the Associate Director of Psychometrics at Accessible Teaching, Learning, and Assessment Systems (ATLAS), a research center at the University of Kansas with more than 150 staff and more than $20M in annual revenues. She leads teams of psychometricians who conduct the psychometric and statistical work for multiple large-scale assessments as well as contributes to various research and development projects within the center.
Nash earned her doctoral degree in educational psychology and research from the University of Kansas, specializing in research, evaluation, measurement, and statistics with a minor in special education. Prior to returning to KU, she spent several years working as a psychometrician and lead psychometrician at an assessment company, specializing in assessments in the higher education field.
Education —
Selected Publications —
Thompson, W. J., Nash, B., Clark, A. K., & Hoover, J. C. (2023). Using simulated retests to estimate the reliability of diagnostic assessment systems. Journal of Educational Measurement.
Thompson, W.J., & Nash, B. (2022). A Diagnostic Framework for the Empirical Evaluation of Learning Maps. Frontiers in Education, 6, 714736. doi: 10.3389/feduc.2021.714736.
Clark, A.K., Nash, B., & Karvonen, M. (2022). Teacher assessment literacy: implications for diagnostic assessment systems. Applied Measurement in Education, 1-16.
Thompson, W. J., Clark, A. K., & Nash, B. (2019). Measuring the reliability of diagnostic mastery classifications at multiple levels of reporting. Applied Measurement in Education, 32, 298-309. doi:10.1080/08957347.2019.1660345
Andersen, L., Nash, B. & Bechard, S. (2018). Articulating validity evidence for a science alternate assessment. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 55(6), 826-848.
Clark, A. K., Nash, B., Karvonen, M., & Kingston, N. K. (2017). Condensed mastery profile method for setting standards for diagnostic assessment systems. Educational Measurement: Issues and Practice, 36(4), 5-15.
Andersen, L. & Nash, B. (2016). Making science accessible to students with significant cognitive disabilities. Journal of Science Education for Students with Disabilities, 19(1), 3.
Thompson, W.J., Nash, B., Clark, A., & Karvonen, M. (2016). Gallery of top submissions for the 2016 cover graphic/data visualization competition: Dynamic assessment routing. Educational Measurement: Issues and Practice, 35(2), 29-35. doi: 10.1111/emip.12114
Kingston, N.M. & Nash, B. (2012). How many formative assessment angels can dance on the head of a meta-analytic pin. Educational Measurement: Issues & Practice, 31(4), pages 18-19.
Kingston, N.M. & Nash, B. (2011). Formative assessment: a meta-analysis and a call for research. Educational Measurement: Issues & Practice, 30(4), 28-37.
Poggio, J. & Nash, B. (2009). Test Development. In B. Kerr (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Giftedness, Creativity, and Talent. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publishing.
Technical Reports
Nash, B., Chen, J., Wang, J., & Wang, W. (2021). 2020 KELPA Standard Setting Technical Report. University of Kansas, Center for Accessible Teaching, Learning and Assessment Systems (ATLAS).
Nash, B., Clark, A., Karvonen, M., & Brussow, J. (2016). 2016 Standard setting: Science. Technical Report for Dynamic Learning Maps, Lawrence, KS: University of Kansas, Center for Educational Testing and Evaluation.
Nash, B. & Bechard, S. (2016). Summary of the science Dynamic Learning Maps™ Alternate Assessment development process (Technical Report No. 16-02). Lawrence, KS: University of Kansas, Center for Educational Testing and Evaluation.
Karvonen, M., Clark, A. K., & Nash, B. (2015). 2015Year-end model standard setting: English language arts and mathematics. Technical Report for Dynamic Learning Maps, Lawrence, KS: University of Kansas, Center for Educational Testing and Evaluation.
Karvonen, M., Clark, A. K., & Nash, B. (2015). 2015 Integrated model standard setting: English language arts and mathematics. Technical Report for Dynamic Learning Maps, Lawrence, KS.
Nash, B., Clark, A. K., & Karvonen, M. (2015). First contact: A census report on the characteristics of students eligible to take alternate assessments. Technical Report for Dynamic Learning Maps, Lawrence, KS.
Nash, B (2012). Technical Manual for the RN Comprehensive Predictor 2010 Forms A and B. Assessment Technologies Institute, LLC: Leawood, KS.
Shaftel, J., & Nash, B. (2010). Kansas Alternate Assessment Alignment Study: Links for Academic Learning. Technical Report to Kansas State Department of Education: Topeka, KS.
Selected Presentations —
Hoover, J., Thompson, J., Nash, B., & Kobrin, J. (2021). The I-SMART Project: Empirical Map Validation. Presented at the National Conference on Student Assessment, Virtual Conference.
Nash, B, Tiemann, G., Fultz, B., & Thacker, A. (2021). Promising Approaches to Virtual Standard Setting. Presented at the National Conference on Student Assessment, Virtual Conference.
Thacker A., Nash, B., Word, A., Sinclair, A., & Chen, J., (2021). Moving Bookmark Standards Setting from In-Person to Virtual: Best Practices/Lessons Learned. Presented at the National Council on Measurement in Education, Virtual Conference.
Thompson, J., Clark, A.K., & Nash, B. (2021). Technical Evidence for Diagnostic Assessments. Presented at the National Council on Measurement in Education, Virtual Conference.
Hoover, J., Thompson, W.J., Clark, A.K., & Nash, B. (2020). Diagnostic Assessment: DIF Detection from Binary and Aggregate Mastery Classifications. National Council on Measurement in Education, Online Repository.
Nash, B., Swinburne-Romine, R., & Mayer, T. (2020). Out With the Old, In With the New: Rethinking How to Design, Administer, and Score Large-Scale Assessment to Improve Teaching and Learning. Presented at the Association of Test Publishers Global Virtual Conference.
Thompson, W.J., Nash, B., & Clark, A.K. (2020). Comparing Reliability Methods for Diagnostic Mastery Classifications. National Council on Measurement in Education, Online Repository.
Andersen, L. & Nash, B. (2019). Science instructional time and the relationship with science achievement for students with significant cognitive disabilities. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association, Toronto, Canada.
Clark, A., Burnes, J., Nash, B., & Karvonen, M. (2019). Teacher assessment literacy: Implications for diagnostic assessment systems. Paper presented at the National Council on Measurement in Education, Toronto, Canada.
Thompson, W.J. & Nash, B. (2019). Empirical methods for evaluating maps: Illustrations and results. Paper presented at the National Council on Measurement in Education, Toronto, Canada.
Nash, B. & Bechard, S. (2018). Evaluating the impact of multidimensionality on science item performance. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association, New York City, NY.
Nash, B., Thompson, W.J. & Clark A. (2018). Using simulation to evaluate retest reliability of assessment results. Paper presented at the National Council on Measurement in Education, New York City, NY.
Thompson, W.J., Clark, A. & Nash, B (2018). Measuring reliability of student mastery classifications at multiple levels. Paper presented at the National Council on Measurement in Education, New York City, NY.
Nash, B., Bechard, S., Gholson, M. & Bates, S. (2017). Impact of multidimensionality of new science standards on student performance and alternate assessment development. Presented at the National Conference on Student Assessment in Austin, TX.
Nash, B. & Thompson, W.J. (2017). Evaluating an initialization tool for student placement into a map-based assessment. Presented at the National Council on Measurement in Education, San Antonio, TX.
Clark, A., Karvonen, M., Swinburne Romine, R. & Nash, B. (2017). Exploring teacher choice when using an instructionally embedded alternate assessment system. Presented at the National Council on Measurement in Education, San Antonio, TX.
Romine, R., Andersen, L., Nash, B., Shipman, M., Ruhter, R., & Lawrence, A. (2015). Test development in a learning maps environment. Workshop presented at the annual meeting of the International Association for Educational Assessment, Lawrence, KS.
Becker, G., Weiner, J. & Nash, B. (2014). The Service Differentiator as a Marketplace Innovation. Presented at the Association of Test Publishers, Scottsdale, AZ.
Juve, T. & Nash, B. (2014). Interpreting Test Scores and Establishing Proficiency Levels. Presented at the ATI Nurse Educator Summit, Orlando, FL.
Dunham, M., McKee, J. & Nash, B. (2012). Current Trends in Nursing Research. Presented at the ATI Nurse Educator Summit, Scottsdale, AZ.
Shaftel, J., & Nash, B., & Gillmor, S. (2012). Effects of the number of response categories on rating scales. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Vancouver, Canada.
Shaftel, J. & Nash, B. (2010). One State’s Experience Implementing Links for Academic Learning. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Evaluation Association, San Antonio, TX.
Kingston, N.M. & Nash, B. (2009). The Efficacy of Formative Assessment: A Meta-Analysis. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association, San Diego, CA.
Awards & Honors —
- Outstanding Publication for Dissertation Award, Category Chair, AERA Division H (2018-2019)
- Outstanding Publication for the Advances in Methodology Award, Category Chair, AERA Division H (2017-2018)
- Outstanding Publication for the Program Evaluation Award, Category Chair, AERA Division H (2017-2018)
- Recipient of the AERA Division H Outstanding Publication Award for Advances in Methodology (2017)
Memberships —
- Council of Chief State School Officers
- National Council on Measurement in Education
- American Educational Research Association