Christy Glore

- Science Content Manager
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Biography —
Christy Glore, MEd, is experienced in the design, development, implementation, and scoring of large-scale, accountability assessments aligned with Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) for multiple states. She has contributed to the development of science Essential Elements, which bridge the three-dimensional content described by the Framework and NGSS Performance Expectations to academic expectations for students with significant cognitive disabilities.
Glore is a Test Development Manager at Accessible Teaching, Learning, and Assessment Systems (ATLAS), a research center at the University of Kansas with more than 150 staff and more than $20M in annual revenues.
She leads a team of science content experts through end-to-end test development cycles. Prior to joining ATLAS, Glore was a science educator for 10 years, teaching Earth and space science, physical science, chemistry, and AP chemistry across the middle and high school levels.
Education —
Summa Cum Laude