Kristine David
- Test Development Contract Lead
Contact Info
Personal Links
Biography —
Kristine David, Ph.D., is experienced in the design, development, implementation, and scoring of large-scale accountability assessments for multiple states. She supports the United States Education Department (USED) as a peer reviewer of state assessment programs.
David is a Test Development Contract Lead at Accessible Teaching, Learning, and Assessment Systems (ATLAS), a research center at the University of Kansas with more than 150 staff and more than $20M in annual revenues.
She earned a Ph.D. in Educational Psychology and an Institutional Research Certificate from Ball State University in Muncie, Indiana. David previously served as the Assistant Director of Assessment at the Indiana Department of Education.
Education —
Selected Publications —
Davidson, A.H., David, K.A., Christmus, J. (2021). Connecting Claims and Outcomes: Applying Accessibility Criteria to Alternate Assessments. Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice, 21(9), 254-268.
David, K. A., & Marchant, G. J. (2015). Achievement gaps in the United States: Over time and interactions. International Journal of Assessment and Evaluation, 22(4), 1-15.
Marchant, G. J., David, K.A., Rodgers, D., & German, R.L. (2015). Feature article: State teacher evaluation and teacher education. The Teacher Educator, 50, 89-108.
Ravitch, D., Marchant, G. J., & David, K. A. (2014). Feature article: The leader of the resistance: An interview with Diane Ravitch. The Teacher Educator, 49, 166-174.
Selected Presentations —
Davidson, A., David, K. (2021, June). What’s a Fair Test? Past, Present and Future of Fair and Equitable State Assessments. National Conference on Student Assessment, Minneapolis, MN. (Virtual Conference).
David, K., Moreno, L., Bennett, T., & Perie, M. (2021, June). Alternate Assessments: Current Landscape, Looking Toward the Horizon. National Conference on Student Assessment, Minneapolis, MN. (Virtual Conference).
David, K., Laraway, K., Bennett, T., & Perie, M. (2020, June). High Quality Assessments for All Students. National Conference on Student Assessment, Denver, CO. (Conference Canceled)
Thurlow, M., David, K., Ahumada, A., & Davidson, A. (2019, June). Accessible Assessments: Building on Best Practice and Experience in Indiana and the Multi-State Alternate Assessment. National Conference on Student Assessment, Orlando, FL.
Davidson, A., David, K., Christmus, J. (2021, April). Applied Accessibility Design Criteria in Alternate Assessments: Connecting Claims and Outcomes. AERA Annual Meeting, (Virtual Conference).
David, K., & Davidson, A. (2020, April). Coherence of Accessibility Design: Alternate Assessment Design and Resulting Item Characteristics [Roundtable Session] AERA Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA. (Conference Canceled)
Marchant, G. J., David, K., & Bacos, T. (2016, April). Political Party and Educational Researcher Support for Educational Policies. AERA Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C.
David, K., & Sanders, A. (2017, January). Co-teaching Model from the Preservice Teacher Perspective: A Phenomenological Case Study. 29th Annual Ethnographic and Qualitative Research Conference. Las Vegas, NV.
David, K. (July, 2020). Purpose of Assessment: Understanding Validity and Reliability. Summer 2020 Assessment Literacy Conference. Indianapolis, IN. Virtual Conference.
David, K. (November, 2019). Assessment Development- An Interactive Journey. Fall 2019 Assessment Literacy Conference. Indianapolis, IN & Muncie, IN.
David, K., & Stallings, L. (September, 2019). Data-Informed Persons Making Data-Informed Decisions. Innovation Summit for Muncie Community Schools, Muncie, IN.
David, K. (November, 2018). Appropriate Uses of Assessment Data: Data-Informed Persons Making Data-Informed Decisions. Indiana Association of School Principals, Indianapolis, IN.
David, K., & Mocas, J. (November, 2018). ICTM: ILEARN Mathematics. 2018 Fall Conference Indiana Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Indianapolis, IN.
David, K., & Thompson, E. (September, 2018). ILEARN: Writing. Indiana Teachers of Writing Fall 2018 Conference, Indianapolis, IN.
David, K. (August, 2017). Change is Coming. K-8 Computer Science Conference, University of Indianapolis, IN.
Memberships —
- American Educational Research Association