Teanna Moore

- Associate Researcher
Contact Info
Personal Links
- 0000-0002-1036-6511
- Curriculum Vitae
Biography —
Teanna Moore, MEd, has a background in applied behavior analysis, transition, and program evaluation. Moore's prior teaching experience helps inform her research process and interests. Her research interests include the development of effective interpersonal skills through self-regulated learning methods, the connection between transition-based instruction and student goals and services, the assessment of transition practices and services, and building capacity for self-advocacy and self-determination in students with disabilities.
Moore is an Associate Researcher at Accessible Teaching, Learning, and Assessment Systems (ATLAS), a research center at the University of Kansas with more than 150 staff and more than $20M in annual revenues.
She was a special educator for six years, serving students with high- and low-incidence disabilities and at-risk youth at various K–12 levels. Moore also worked as a practicum supervisor, instructor, and instruction coordinator, serving adults with intellectual disabilities and pre-service teachers in postsecondary education programs. Moore is pursuing a PhD in educational psychology and has multiple degrees from Auburn University including a BA in Psychology, an MS in Educational Research, Measurement, and Evaluation, an MEd in Early Childhood Special Education, and an MEd in Collaborative Teaching K–6.
Education —
Selected Publications —
Peer-Reviewed Publications
Pressley, T., Marshall, D. T., & Moore, T. (2022, December 17). Understanding Teacher Burnout Following COVID-19.
Pendola, A., Jang, H., Moore, T., Rushing, J., Appiah, J., Guilford, N., Billingsley, W., Wilson, N., Dadematthews, A., & Edwards, C. (2022). The alabama equity divide: Environmental poverty and achievement across urban and rural locales. Educational Research Quarterly.
Policy Briefs
Moore, T. & Pendola, A. (2021). Initiating Dual Enrollment: Best Practices (Policy Brief). Auburn University Center for Evaluation.
Pendola, A. & Moore, T. (2021). Best practices for career pathways (Policy Brief). Auburn University Center for Evaluation.
Selected Presentations —
Rushing, J., Jang, H.S., Moore, T., Appiah, J., Guilford, N., Billingslea, W., & Dadematthews, A. (2022, April). The alabama equity divide: Community poverty and achievement across urban and rural Locales. Paper presentation at the American Educational Research Association, San Diego, California.
Moore, T., Chesser, S., & Murrah, W. (2022, April). Improving connectedness in at-risk adolescents in the alternative school setting. Poster presentation at the American Educational Research Association, San Diego, California.
Dadematthews, A., Lee, S., Billingslea, W., Moore, T., Dadematthews, O., Jang, H.S., Pendola, A. (2022, March). Environmental health & student achievement. Poster Presentation at the Southeastern Universities Graduate Research Symposium, Tuscaloosa, Alabama.
Moore, T., Jang, H.S., & Pendola, A. (2021, August). Impact of environmental factors and psychological effects on K-12 student achievement in Alabama. Poster presentation at the American Psychological Association Conference, San Diego, California.
Jang, H.S., Moore, T., & Pendola, A. (2021, April). Understanding student achievement with multifaceted factors of poverty. Poster Presentation at the Southeastern Universities Graduate Research Symposium, Tuscaloosa, Alabama.
Chesser, S., Moore, T., & Forbes, S. (2020, February). A.C.C.E.S.S.: A Researcher-Practitioner Partnership. Presentation at the Critical Questions in Education Conference, Seattle, Washington.
Moore, T. (2019, March). Soaring High with the Auburn University EAGLES Program: A Postsecondary Education Opportunity. Presentation at the Alabama Transition Conference, Auburn, Alabama.
Moore, T. (2019, March). APAID or Alabama postsecondary alliance for intellectual disabilities: In unity and numbers. Presentation presented by members from Auburn University, The University of Alabama, University of South Alabama, University of North Alabama, Jacksonville State University, Alabama A&M University, and The Horizons School at the Alabama Transition Conference, Auburn, Alabama.
Awards & Honors —
- William A. Spencer Dept. of Educational Foundations, Leadership & Technology Fellowship
- Together We Will Scholarship
- Collaborative Approach to Training Transition Specialists (CATTS) Scholar
- Alabama Consortium Funding for Special Education Scholarship
Grants & Other Funded Activity —
2018 proposal submission and granted $1000 for transition-based curriculum
Memberships —
- American Educational Research Association (AERA)
- American Psychology Association (APA)